GBA ROM Pack – Game Boy Advance Full Set
What “No-Intro” does is fill some .dat files, to be used with ROM-Managers, with information about the known ROMS released. Often there are more versions of an equivalent ROM dump, but most of them are garbage, some examples may include: bad dumps, hacks, fakes, overdumps, underdumps, and so on. “No-Intro” lists only the simplest available ROM; it must be a full dump with no faults and no changes to the file, basically just the ROMS that are the closest as possible to the original licensed cartridges.
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Note 1: Certain system’s (Atari – 7800, Atari – Lynx, Nintendo – Famicom Disk System, and Nintendo – Nintendo Entertainment System) roms include what are called headers to tell the emulator how to load and run the rom’s binary information. Because headers are not part of the physical ROM’s information, a method is required to strip them out when running clrmamepro to verify the true dumped information for that ROM. No-Intro ROM header skipper plugins for clrmamepro can be downloaded from the DAT-o-MATIC as well.
Note 2: All DATs include Pirate and Unlicensed roms by default. Physical support should be set to ‘all’ for those systems that have the option: Nintendo – Nintendo 64, Nintendo – Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo – Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega – Mega Drive – Genesis. This allows physical and non-physical media to be included in the set.